It's 5am and I have been awake since 3.30am. Finally turned on the tape to listened to, I am always reluctant to do this in case I wake Eric, and that has chewed. Sorting it out will definately wake him so I have got up, made a Bournvita and decided to send the few emails I wrote in bed last night. One thing led to another and here I am blogging.... at 5am.... I must be mad. Anyway. My mind is in permanent overdrive these days. I will be glad to get the next few weeks out of the way and settle down to a more hum drum existence!
The weather must be getting better as I have made significant progress on my veg plot this week. It was 3 foot deep in weeds and now only 50% of it is like that! My brassicas are coming along great guns (Cauliflower, broccoli etc for those less green fingered amongst you), the broad beans have recovered from Saddle tramping all over them in their formative stages and the potatoes I planted are getting big. The strawberries, salvaged from under said 3 ' of weeds are recovering and one even has a strawberry on. Last years runner beans have re-emerged and I have a fair few things growing in my mini greenhouse to move down. Shame my gardening time is spent mentally organising myself and not relaxing. For the last 2 nights I have been down there repeating to myself that I will go up in 10 minutes and start supper. On finally making it up to the kitchen I have found that Eric has everything under control and all I have to do is the accompanying rice or some such thing. God he is wonderful!!
As I alluded to before I blogged recently and lost the lot. I was livid, especially as the briefest thought occured to me when I was having difficulty trying to publish that maybe I should copy to a Word document 'just in case'... then didn't! I had written over the course of several hours on Wednesday morning around a phone call to Carol. Catching up with Carol is impossible with shiftwork combined with time differences. Ditto with Stan but chatting with girls is more necessary. With boys the bare facts will do, that's usually all you get, but with girls long conversations with cup of tea in hand is far more preferable. Anyway, can you believe that our conversation was cut short becuase of a trip to the football ground to watch... Fleet. Yes, I know, you never even knew they had a team. Well apparently they do, and Bloo has a deep and meaningful relationship with them. They were playing at Kingston, Carol's home turf, and so she went along. Mainly because she thought Bloo had no friends to go with!!! Turns out she was to be part of a group of 4, even less of a reason to terminate a perfectly enjoyable conversation. I put the phone down thinking 'I forgot to ask this' and 'wonder what happened over that'. Anyway, as Eric says, only a few sleeps and we can sit by the pool, gin (or tea) in hand and gas 'til the cows come home soon!!!! (or it rains!)
No I am having feelings of deja vu here. Am I repeating what I lost or have I published similar thoughts before and getting you annoyed - sorry! As I mentioned before I had a day in hospital last Tuesday. The day started outrageously early as I had to be there at 7.30am so that I could spend 4 hours sitting around reading. R+R had had the children the night before so Eric and I could leave at 6.45am. I had a minor procedure done, and am absolutely fine (thank you for voiced concerns and good wishes). ANyway I had a similar trip in 2 years ago but this was so different. The first time I laid down was on the operating table. Now i agree that you should walk perfectly healthy people into theatre rather than 'make them ill' by sticking them in a bed and wheeling them around but I think popping onto a trolley in the anaestetic room would have been preferable. I am very hospital savy but found it quite daunting being wired up to equipment I understood with theatre lights being positioned strategically aimed at important bits of my anatomy, all the time thinking about what would be happening to me in a few minutes!! What was lovely though was the 'going to sleep'! I had been talking to the anaesthetist about how wonderful drifting off under anaestetic was and I am sure he deliberately prolonged the ectasy! Sooooo nice.
Woke up shortly afterwards to a nurse asking me if I wanted to get up into a lazyboy chair. 'Nooo' I said quite adamantly, 'please can I have another 1/2 hours sleep?' At 12.30pm Eric phoned and said he would come through to collect me but was in Te Aroha (te-ara-ha). By 2.10pm, knowing that Alice would be waiting at the gate at school at 3pm I phoned again. He was round the corner and I said I'd walk down and meet him outside ED. The nurse was not impressed and insisted she walk me down (I was the last patient left from the morning). Anyway we got to Alice for 3.03pm and she was there. Riding lessons were reached on time you will be pleased to hear (after dropping me off).
I took Wed off, not because I needed to but because I had been told to - I was fine. Harriette came home from school on Tuesday saying that the school was desparate for transport to take her and some kids to Tauranga Intermediate for a literature quiz she was in. So guess what I did on Wednesday? Alice had woken with a worsening sore throat and so I gave her the day off and booked her into the doctors (on a weekday for a change, Hurray. It's cheaper!). Tauranga Intermediate school is as nice as all the others. Beautiful grounds with wonderful rose beds everywhere and a staff room to die for (well any English school teacher would!), masses of new, comfy looking sofas arranged in groups, a foodbar with fruit and pastries laid out (for the teachers not us), a coffee machine that made 10 different types of coffee and lovely (clean) mugs to drink from. The quiz was held in the library and we had a nice lunch laid on afterwards. The result was good, 3 schools provided about 13 teams and each school got a placing with Harriette's school (her team in fact) coming second. Alice managed to answer a lot of questions so I can see her doing the same thing when she goes to Intermediate. Later I took Alice to the doctors, antibiotics for tonsillitis. The GP wanted to know if I wanted to rent a room, some reference to me frequenting the place of late I feel!!! I really should not have sent her to school yesterday but I had to go to a teaching session in Rotorua in the morning so she had to struggle through.
Well It is nearly time to get up so I expect if I go back to bed I will drop off just in time for the radio coming on at 6.15am. Night night world!