That's where I was yesterday. I am very stressed at present. I am doing a presentation to the National Immunisation Conference next week and have got sooo much work to do to get it ready. I am also involved in a second DHB (sorry District health Board) presentation, again, work needed on that. At work I am involved in reviewing the NZ Immunisation Handbook, which is due for re-publication, have a 6 monthly report due in etc, etc.... I am also waaaaay behind on my GDITE and the final assignment is due in the day after conference. Add to that I have 2 major meetings for the Waikato Youth Music Association (which I chair) in the next fortnight, the Xmas events are beginning, oh, and I'm meant to be training for Taupo in 2 weeks time and, well you can see where my stress levels are. Today is one precious day in about 6 weeks when I have nothing specific planned and tonight is only one of 3 nights in over nearly 3 weeks. Yesterday I drove to Diane's in Matamata, and we went in her car to Te Aroha where we were participating in a cycling event. My plan was to do the 42km route with the girls, then cycle back to Diane's (another 40km) in the afternoon, and drive home form there. I won't go out with those doing the 80km ride because they cycle fast and I am a plod er. With hindsight I should have cycled with Lindsey on the 80km route. He came in way after the others and did not enjoy it as he did most of the ride on his own. I also would have got home by 2.30pm instead of 4.30pm. The ride back on my own was OK (I am listing to the Twilight series on my iPod) except for the wind. I groaned out loud occasionally during the last 10km's as it was sooo hard. I barely got above 16km/hr as opposed to the 23-32km/hr I usually do. Got home to find the house in the same tip it was when I left (I was teaching Wed and got home at 11pm, out at band on Thursday and Friday and left home 7.30am Sat), Eric had been butchering a side of beef all day and was tired and crotchety. Alice seemed to have spent all day clearing her bedroom floor (which still was not clear) and writing essays with no thought of helping Eric or even putting the shopping away I had done on Friday night. When I made a tea and sat down (well fell into the chair) I felt like Eric resented me taking a break (he's adamant that he didn't) but I fell asleep in the chair anyway. We were going out to a surprise 50th birthday party in Hamilton for Kathy. A band mom and mother of Alice's nearly boyfriend - Kent. It was a pot luck and Eric was making a bobotie but it was not going to be ready until the last moment to get us there for 6.30pm. Alice then said it was a 6pm start - opps. I jumped in the shower and went to change the head on my lady razor but after about 15 attempts couldn't because I could not see what I was doing. My eye sight is shocking. I screamed so loudly in frustration that Alice and Eric came running and my throat hurt! I threw the razor at Alice for her to sort out which she did and then she shoo-ed Eric out, muttering, probably something along the lines of "Mommy's gone mad leave her alone".
We finally got to the party and ended up having a really good time. Well I had a good bottle of wine and certainly felt a lot better. Richard and Robyn were also there as were Liz and Steve (other band parents who we really enjoy). Sarah (flute), Alice (clarinet) and Kent (alto sax)played some music along with Kent's brother Ash (drums), Steve (tuba), Patrick (Steve's son- trumpet) and some other trumpet players. All totally un-rehearsed and great fun. I so admired that they could all play music so well that they could come together and just play and have such good fun - and give others such pleasure. Kathy was totally overwhelmed by the occasion and Ray had done a fantastic job pulling it off in total secrecy. I didn't have my camera but pinched Kent's. When I get some photos I'll post them.
Mark popped in last weekend. He had just arrived from the UK and was on his way home. It was great to see him. He had not seen Cheryl, Myles and Laura for 4 1/2 months which was hard on them all. Still, Cheryl arrives in a few weeks and we will catch them just before we head off to South Africa on 17th Dec. They will be gone when we get back though. Not sure what there plans are after that.
We have friends of Mom and Daddy staying with us at the moment, Maxine and Gary. They are on an LSD trip (look, see, decide) and bought a house in Cambridge this week. We haven't seen a lot of them as we haven't been around really. Maxine is a nurse so I have set her up with some meetings with people about work. Gary is an electrician.
Well I am going to get up and potter now.