Sunday, December 05, 2010

2010 Prize Giving

For the first time since primary school we only needed to attend 1 prize giving this year. At College they do sports (not a Tanner thing!), junior and senior prize givings on 3 separate nights. Parents get a letter to say that their child is getting an award so you know you really do need to go. This year Harriette again walked off with first in chemistry and Alice got 1st in music. They also got various merit awards and Harriette picked up a $1,000 scholarship, awarded to 7 high performing students. Izzy, a good friend of Harriette's gave an emotional and touching, head girls speech and the principal Glenn Rowsell can always be relied of for a humorous speech. Brits was awarded dux. She and Harriette shared the top academic award at Hinuera Primary school and Brits studys really hard (Harriette doesn't), so it was given that it would go to Brits. It has been the biggest ever 7th form at the College due to the recession and they have all had a great year.

Heading off shortly to Roturua to meet The Scotts for brunch at the Fat Dog cafe. Well we have one of them here at the moment, Kat. Alice and Kat went to a surprise 16th birthday for their friend Pip (well another Alice really. It seems to be a thing that so many girls in Harriette's year have a younger sister called Alice)out at Putaruru so I we had to wait up until midnight to go and collect them!

The 2010 Taupo Cycle Challenge was last weekend and I was on the Matamata Rotary relay team. I wanted, and got, the last leg as I have done the other 3. It has the dreaded Haitape Hill but this I think is only bad when you have already cycled all the way round. It was a seriously hot day and of course there was lots of hanging around. I enjoyed it though my training as been rather remiss this year!