I have sooo much to do. I am behind on emails, blog, and general indoor stuff (I never did get to the accounts over Labour weekend). I am also trying to get the lawn in front of the cottage re-seeded (still in a mess after I removed a camelia and re-leveled the area, the seed planted last summer got washed away with rain and has not been replaced), have decided I want to paint some bits missed when Harriette’s extension was done (yes I know that was 4 years ago) and am trying to finish the painting in the kitchen that was never finished after that was extended (all needs a 2nd coat etc). I really would like to take some leave (I need it anyway) but am not sure how much leave I have and have to keep a month back for July. We only get 3 weeks leave here (I miss my 5 week UK allocation!). I also have Mom’s 70th birthday next weekend which I am catering for (which of course I am only to pleased to do) and had booked a days leave on Friday but that has been partially swallowed by a leaving lunch for a colleague in Rotorua.
Today we are off to a flights expo in Hamilton where I expect we will book our UK trip so watch this space! Harriette has a busy day, gym followed by swimming with her friends (it’s Kylies birthday), McDonald’s lunch (yuk) to Kylies for the afternoon then stockcar racing in the evening in Tauranga. All good except I have to pick her up in Matamata at 11pm!! Roll on her 15th birthday when she can drive (maybe not, I’ll be worried sick for her). Alice is going to come into Hamilton with us but I will drop her at Juliet and Kev’s so she can spend the time with Emma. J + K moved into their rented house 2 weeks ago and it is great, I can pop in for a coffee frequently as I am out and about in Hamilton between 1 and 3 days a week. They have recovered from their traumas of earlier in the year now and are back on track. Kev is working from home auditing a hotel chain (which obviously means weeks away at a time), Juliet’s pregnancy is going well and the girls are thrilled to be 15 minutes from schools rather than the 1 and ½ hours away as they were before in Glen Murray. Kev pointed out how ironic it was that they are outdoors more now. You buy a rural property to give your kids space for an outdoor life and they live indoors reading on the pooter etc. Move to town and they are out all the time. It’s worth getting the bikes out as there are places to bike to; library, friends round the corner, shops etc. J+K say they never see the girls now.
It looks like a nice weekend so I am hoping that it stays that way so I can blitz the drive tomorrow. I want to make sure there is no fallen branches etc in case Carol decides to light fires!!! She and Milky arrive in 4 weeks and we are all on countdown here! Everyone is very excited.
Oh well, time to get up I suppose. If I am going to be in the garden at the weekends I don’t walk but I don’t have that excuse today so I’d better pull on my walking togs and get going. I MUST buy myself some descent shoes, my trainers are very cheap and aweful!
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