Friday, January 12, 2007

A Friday Night Blog

Friday night and sitting at the desk top. Well makes a difference from Sat am and in bed!

Am just MSNing with Cheryl who has just got back from Auz!

We have been a bit house bound as the Mistral's radiator has been sitting in the carport for the last week or so. NZ is still in summer shut down mode and tracking down a repalcement has been difficult. However, he picked one up today and is just about to take it for a test drive. (Also is going to take CD's so he can have my new system blaring while he's out!). Not totally housebound as we have the Safari and my work Focus, but the girls (and I) hate the Safari and my car should only be used for work.

Eric had a fishing trip with Richard on Tuesday. Richard is actually taking some time off and having a bit of chill out time. Having said that, he tells me today they were herd testing yetserday evening and this morning, and have a man coming to see the cows this afternoon! Doesn't sound like much of a holiday to me! Anyway, Eric and Richard got up at 5am to drive to tauranga and pick up a charter boat. 2 hour trip out into the depths of the Pacific and away they went. Apparently a terrible days fishing but he actually came home with supper. Caught 5 teraki which we enjoyed very much, partly because of the novelty of Eric actually catching something!!

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He was absolutely shatter when he got back at about 6.30pm.

Previously, on Sunday evening we had some friends round to celebrate Eric's birthday (which was actually on Monday). It was one of the most relaxed and nicest evening I have had for a long time. We had R+R, Angela and Rob, and Hamish and Claire, and all accompanying children (7 girls) here. We did a BBQ, our pork and a butterflied leg of lamb, and steak from R+R and C+H. Salads, a mint thai potato salad, basil and tomato, plain potato (to cater for local tastes!!), green salad, and coleslaw. And 6 puddings, 3 care of Angela!! All the guests being dairy farmers it was not a late night but lovely, on the pool deck with lots of candles - excellent. Ironically R+A, who we befriended recently will be R+R's new neighbours when they move to their own farm in June, and C+H whom we met through R+R, will be nearest to us, although about 15 minutes drive away.

Planning to catch up with R+R for the day on Sunday. We will wait until that day to assess the weather before deciding between fishing on Arapuni, a bush walk, or the beach. I'm really looking forward to it. I have had virtually a week in front of the computer and am looking forward to getting out.

I have been getting daily emails from Miami where my cousins son is still in ICU. Alex had an accident diving and although critical is slowly moving in the right direction.

Well Eric has returned and the car seems to be OK. Will risk a longer drive up to Mom and Daddy's tomorrow. Night night.

PS As you can see I am still struggling with the photo's. I'll keep working on them!

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