What a week. Regarding the packing and holiday I was actually quite organised but a few crises over the last 48 hours have made life very stressful. Not least thinking I had lost/had stolen, my handbag.
I have had a really busy week at work, mainly just trying to catch up and leave being well organised. It didn’t really happen. I got everything done that absolutely needed doing but my monthly report only had the bare basics and I had to work on Friday, a day I was planning to take of for time in lieu. I ended up working until mid-day! My Thursday evening plan was to run the hoover round and have a final tidy up just didn’t happen because of the handbag saga. During the day on Thursday I went to about 11 different places.I’ll start at the beginning. I got up early and made chocolate brownies for tea break at band practice in the evening. I burnt my finger tips taking them out the oven which made typing for the next 2 days very difficult. I then went to Matamata, Te Awamutu and Hamilton with work finishing up doing a teaching session on the paediatric wards at the hospital. As I pulled up to the hospital it occurred to me that I had left my file with all my band stuff (ie management things) at home and I did not recall seeing the keys in my car. I figured the keys were in my music folder box (which of course, I’d left at home). I quickly phoned the school but could not get anyone so I did my teaching session then flew out the hospital preoccupied with keys. If I could not get another set I would have 25 kids turning up to a locked building. I dashed to the school (quite near the hospital) and borrowed the music teacher’s keys. I then finished my work stuff, which meant trekking across Hamilton from one furthest point to another and finally got back to the school for 5.30pm. (Robyn was bringing the girls in.) However, on the way there I called into the dairy to get milk so we could have coffee during practice and could not find my handbag. Thinking I had left it in the Mistral when I swapped cars with Eric earlier in the day I did not worry too much… until I got home. No handbag anywhere!!! So, instead of housework I spent the evening searching, then fretting and trying to backtrack on my days movements. I just could not come up with where it could be and worried that in locking my car with the bleeper thing I had inadvertently left it unlocked and someone had stolen my handbag. I left it until the morning then phoned everywhere I had been, including the police in 3 towns. No handbag. Now I had, the previous night, put in the UK credit cards that we will be using for the holiday and it had my drivers licence which we need when we pick the hire car up on Monday. No licence, no driving! I therefore cancelled my drivers licence so I could get a temporary one issued and was about to start phoning credit card companies to cancel all my cards when I had a phone call, about 11am. The paediatric ward at the hospital “Did I want to pick up my handbag before I went away!!!!!!” I could not believe it. I never take my handbag in to practices or the hospital when I am working! That’s why I ddn’t phone them. I must have been preoccupied, or planning to go through it looking for music block keys. Anyway…. we picked it up on our way to the airport and I un-cancelled my drivers licence. What a relief, and a waste of hours phoning and searching. Oh, and I’d put the music block keys in the Mistral presumably thinking that if I left them in there I would not forget to take them to band (good plan until I take a different car!)
We left Auckland in pouring rain amd 14 degrees and found out that London is 13 degrees and raining with more rain predicted. I am sitting here in a vest and shorts as I was just too hot in jeans in Singapore, so hope it’s not too cold in London!
Both flights have been jam packed so not terribly comfortable. 2 very nice meals on the first flight though. We had a bit of a dash to the plane in Singapore after going for a, very welcome, swim not anticipating it would take 20 minutes to get from the pool to our departure gate. We arrived there and joined a queue but did cut it a bit fine (in true Tanner form!)
So now, we are tired, have headaches and are sooo looking forward to sitting in Ava’s house with a cup of tea within 8 hours. So, from above Afghanastan (miles and miles of brown nothing) I say ‘Adieu’, for now.
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