Saturday, July 10, 2010

It's all about Alice

Well to start with anyway. Alice has been living in Harriette's shadow this last few months what with FPS, mooting and her success at her first uni paper, but Alice shone recently, well in my eyes anyway (and probably Kent's) at the Hamilton Boys High School ball.

She might look all grown up to you but she's still my baby!! Kent (pronounced Kint - this is New Zealand)has been in Fiji on a music tour with the school. Got back Thursday night so I took Alice into Hamilton Friday am. Not sure when we'll get her back as schools are on holiday for another week.

I got up this morning to make tea and come back to bed but looked out and saw a heavy frost. At least I could see something, this last 2 weeks many mornings have seen us shrouded in a thick fog. At long last the sun has appeared and it promises to be a lovely winters day. However, I remembered Eric saying he feeds some hay to the cows when it's very frosty. I did not want to get dressed as I was planning a lazy morning in bed with Kim Hill (on the radio) and tea. So I donned Barbour and gummies over my dressing gown and fed Inca, chooks and cows and smashed the ice on the water troughs. I just hoped the neighbour would not be out and about to see me!! And where is Eric this morning? He left at 6am to go to Richard and Robyn's to help Richard shift out their old kitchen units as a guy was driving up from Levin for them. R+R are having massive alterations done to their house and it is going to be fabulous when it's done. The builders reckon Robyn could turn the new walk-in pantry into another bedroom it's so big!! Not sure why Eric was needed so early but he's just got home so will find out.

I have been flat out at work on my new role (additional to my current role) editing IMAC's newsletter ImmNuZ. It's only a small 3 monthly publication but it goes out across New Zealand and I am loving the job. I have had some really nice, positive feedback from people at work and can't wait to see my first effort in print.

Eric has found Facebook!!! He is really in to it. He has not sussed out how to download photos though so I have uploaded my favourite pic of him when I got into his site. Poor guy would like soemthing more macho but doesn't know how to put another one on :-)

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