Thursday, March 26, 2020

Lockdown Day One: getting organised

Thursday 26th March: Today was still about getting organised. I completed the online vaccinator update just to get myself up to speed with the world of immunisation before starting work. Quite weird as I actually write most of the content!! I hit a problem when I went to do the assessment with an IT glitch so hope that will get sorted tomorrow.

Eric worked from about 3am! Probably couldn't sleep as he had so much in his head! He was pretty flat out all day. Having IT issues as he cannot connect a new bluetooth keyboard to his iPad. Same thing yesterday when his bad temper stopped me working so I made a bolt for my potting shed for a couple of hours!! Today however, he let me take a look at it (I am generally the more IT savvy of us two - aren't most women??) and after an hour with Apple support the conclusion was that it is not compatible. Eric actually had a iPad cover/keypad en route from Australia and has managed to get that redirected here instead of his office. In the meantime he has my ancient keypad from an old iPad 2 but it seems to do the job.

At dinner time neither of us were particularly hungry (I haven't mentioned that we are doing the keto diet). Decided to have tuna mayonnaise in avo. Eric asked if he could use a flavoured tuna. I said check the carb counts. Now, in fairness had been having trouble with a film over his eye and blurred vision and he was reading the tin in low light but said "Well this one's useless, it's in Russian!" Being fairly sure I had not recently purchased any Russian goods (!!) I checked, only to find he was reading the tin up-side-down!! Again, we dissolved into hysterics.

One major advantage of keto is that our go-to alcoholic beverage, and something of a staple of the wider Tanner family, GnT is not restricted. Now I love this drink but am averse to flat tonic so my rationale has been two drinks each at a time to use up the litre bottle of tonic. This was just a weekend treat until recently, well the weekend does consist of three evenings, and then one on Wednesday to break up the week. However, to sustain us through the lockdown we have gone to a 7 nights a week regime. However, Eric calculated that our 4 litres of gin (I confess to panic buying only because our usual prolific supply was dangerously low and gin is not sold in supermarkets in NZ!!) won't last the lockdown so rationed us to one drink each night. The dilemma now is, one drink each night or spread the gin across two drinks???

I firmly believe that an important part of getting through this four weeks with some degree of sanity and hopefully achievement, is to have some sort of routine, and plan. To that end I think we will treat weekends as we always do; get up when we want, two meals instead of three, roast on Sunday (we are English after all!) etc. During the week we'll aim to wake at 7 instead of 6 (Eric usually manages that. I do not). I love retirement and am conscious of doing all I can to support Eric who works so hard still for us. I therefore have fallen into the role of homemaker (having had a 40 year professional career I never thought I'd say that!), as opposed to the fairly 50:50 spread of household tasks we undertook when I worked full-time. I chose to get up to make Eric breakfast and pack a lunch but would much rather he started work at 9 not 8!! Anyway, back to routine. I do not yet know how many hours I will be working, or when. I will be answering calls to NZ's dedicated immunisation helpline so will be fitted into a rota. Eric will work until he needs to and then revert to farm work. A few weeks ago we physically drove round the block and did a reccie of jobs that needed doing. It is VERY long. We did prioritise the cattle grid/stop and concreting the stock yard but as that relies on contractors who cannot work that will have to wait. He does have heaps of jobs that he can do so there is no danger of him being at a loose end. If the weather is too bad then he always has his boat (that's another story). In addition to the bicycling we both do for knee rehab (yes both of us) we will go for a 5pm walk each weekday just to get out.

Lots of heavy showers today. I did not mention that we are currently in the midst of a drought so bad that a total fire ban is in place. (Rubbish management is yet another story). The last few days has seen a little respite on the drought front.

Day one survived. All feels quite weird.

New cases 78. Recovered 27. Total 283 . Deaths 0.

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