Friday, March 27, 2020

Lockdown Day Two: still settling in

Friday 27 March: Managed to complete the assessment for the online vaccinator update and I have re-applied for my practicing certificate. Strictly I do not meet the required educational hours criteria but they give you a year to catch up not hat. The ironic thing is that most of the work I have done in the last five years has been writing online educational material for other vaccinators but that does not count towards my hours! I did have the option of applying for a Covid-related practising certificate which they are providing free of charge to nurses returning specifically for Covid-related work but I decided to go for full registration. I have to wait for them to get back to me to discuss the education hours bit.

The day was bright sunshine interspersed with heavy downpours. Luckily at 5pm it was gorgeous so we had our first walk. I struggle to walk down slopes and our 350m loose gravel drive has a big hill. So, we plan to drive the Jeep down to the road then walk on the road. Eric on a walking stick and me on a crutch. I managed 1km but that took me to my limit. If I can increase the outward journey by one lamp post each day I'll be doing 5km/day by the end of lockdown. Now there's a goal!

The surrealism of the whole situation hit me as we walked. It is sooooo quite. Yea there are cars travelling along SHW29 but so few that that low, distant traffic hum, that I actually hardly ever notice is absent. Feels like there's no one else in the world but us!!

Watched The Falls on TV. I tried watching it before but could not get into it. Better this time.

Didn't catch the case count in time and can't find the days figures retrospectively.

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