Friday, April 10, 2020

Lockdown Day 16: Good Friday

From our bedroom window looking SSE
Friday 10th April: Two days ago we had a supermoon but it was so cloudy I could not even see we had any moon. Today however it was breathtaking. You need to imagine the sounds of the crickets and cicadas that accompanied the moon. It really was one of those 'God, Mother Nature is amazing' moments. I forgot the feed the cows after lunch and so they didn't get fed until about 5pm which is when the daytime photo was taken, leaning on our boundary gate looking across the Hinuera valley. Eric had wanted to empty and refill the spa which I did not get round to doing but seeing this wish I had!

Looking west from our boundary
While I was busy Oscar kept Eric company!
I had quite a productive day today. I undercoated the sanded down patches on part of the house. I was going to start painting later but a big afternoon sleep meant that got put off to tomorrow! Instead I spent the last few hours of daylight making a base for a second chook tractor then in the poly tunnel. I staked up and fed my six capsicum plants. They had been under adjoining tomato plants that had been left to roam. Removed the last few weeds and cleared potting tables of clutter and tools. At one point I was lured outside by a chick chirping three times louder than usual. She had escaped and was distraught at not being able to get back to mum.   I was amazed at how such a little thing make so much noise? The silky chook in the house came off her nest and got into trouble with the PB asserting her authority. Watching chooks you can see where the term 'pecking order' comes from. Managed to get some food and water before she retreated back to her nest. I am thinking I might put the second chook tractor on the other side of the house which has doors on both sides. I am going to start watering the poly tunnel again to see if any couch grass survived the herbicide before planting anything in there. I just need to find some way to fix the hoops to stop them leaning over every time the wind blows (they cannot fall down as they are linked by nylon wire).

The evening was occupied with a live streaming of the NZ Ballet's Midsummer Night's Dream. I love NZ Ballet and, before Founder's Theatre in Hamilton was closed because it does not comply with earthquake building standards, subscribed to and watched most of their performances. Casting was a problem so could not watch the start well but settled in to a most enjoyable performance. Thanks to Harriette for the heads up. I also let my ballet-mad friend in South Africa know and was pleased she was able to watch. I had wondered if, like the BBC, it was limited to a region and she would not be able to access it without a VPN, which would have been way beyond her tech levels!!

As of 9am today: New cases 44. Recovered 373. Total 1,283. Deaths Our second death, a women in her 90's. Matamata cluster total 69 cases.
Currently testing 3,700/day (7-day av). Total tests: 55,685.

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