Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Lockdown Day 28: Four weeks done, a few days to go

Wednesday 22 April: Today marks the last day of the planned lockdown before it was extended on Monday. On reflection, and ignoring the tragedy that coronavirus has been for so many people, I have quite enjoyed the last four weeks! We are privileged enough to have been able to enjoy the break from 'normal life' in stunning surroundings with space and fabulous weather, in a country with incredibly low numbers (because of a strong and transparent government that locked down and closed borders early) confident in a continued income. My worries are more long-term; how will Eric's firm weather the inevitable global recession and how will case numbers pan out in the post-lockdown/pre-vaccine era. We are also coming to terms with the fact that social distancing is going to be the norm until we get a vaccine.

Read in order! Thanks to sister-in-law Ava.
Continued work in the veg garden. Started preparing a bed for raspberries. I have a rambling overgrown and neglected patch of raspberries so want to move suckers from there and plant the canes I have bought over the last year into one or two sites. On putting a glove on from a pair in the poly tunnel I was stung on my pinkie by a bee that was in one of the fingers. God I hate bee stings! Despite antihistamine tablets and steroid cream I know it means 48 hours of intense itching through the hand and arm. Arrrggghhhh!

Otto's gait is wobbly again this evening and he is staggering. Also lost his appetite which probably means upping his steroids. Will speak to the vet tomorrow. Eric had to pop into town to get more ear drops for him.

A real doss evening. I was pooped. Another beautiful evening for our walk and had a chat with neighbour John. Watched and episode of Liar on TVNZ On Demand. Very unusual for us to watch TV  on a weekday evening.

Coronavirus numbers not available for today (I am not writing this contemporaneously) but they are dropping significantly here in NZ.

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