Sunday, January 29, 2006

Holidays Recap

The heat and humidity have been unbearable this last week. Today it is less hot and less humid - Thank heavens. I am still sitting in front of a fan as I type listening to CD number 21 of Order of the Phoenix!

The children have been on holiday since before Xmas and go back on Tuesday (Monday is another holiday - Waitangei Day). This week has been getting uniforms for both sorted out. I have been at work this last week but off for the 2 weeks before. As Eric is attending his course during his annual leave a holiday away this summer is a no goer. My A/L plan therefore was to take the girls out every other day and spend the alternate days gardening. Well a few days before my leave I stuffed my back. That was over 3 weeks ago now and it is still not right. I really ought to go and see a physio but I keep telling myself it will get better. Consequently the gardening did not happen and I had to wait for Eric to finish work at 1pm before we could go out as driving was a struggle. Our first trip was to the beach at Papamoa. It was still hot there at 6pm! A rainy day meant a promised trip to the movies to see the Narnia movie. I had heard mixed reports about it but I enjoyed it. An OK movie I thought but the girls loved it. On Friday our friends Beth and Graham called in on their way to Rotorua where they were camping with their son and Grahams Mom Gloria, newly arrived from South Africa. When we found out where they were camping it was about 500m from the boat ramp Eric was planning to use on a fishing trip on Lake Rotorua the following day. Our plan was that H and Eric were to leave early with the boat and fish and A and I would join them later for a picnic. So we stuck to the plan except that Mom and Daddy came too and we joined Beth and clan for a picnic lunch by the trout stream in the lovely, very small campsite. The 3 children took the kayaks on the stream and Eric had a go at fishing. There were loads of trout in the stream but you could see them all lying on the bottom and it no mood to go looking for flies. Wrong time of day really. They also didn't catch any fish on the lake either! I have to say nobody else did! One day he will have some success!
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Image hosting by PhotobucketWhen Alice tried to disembark from her kayak she was having some difficulty so I went to help. Unfortunately she fell in and I did not let go! Alice then had hysterics, mainly because a) she got a fright and the water was cold, and b) because she is a woos. I called for Eric to help as my back was suffering seriously at this point. He did, but only after taking photo's!!
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Back recovery put back 2 weeks! It was only afterwards that I realised I should have just let her. She is a good swimmer AND had a life jacket on!!!

(Just turned on to watch the Rugby 7's England vs Argentenia)

The following week saw Mom and Daddy's house move on the Monday. That went very well. The movers unpacked the furniture and put beds, tables etc together, which was a heck of a lot more than ours did when we moved in. I spent 2 days helping unpack boxes. Thank heavens they moved on Monday as we had an incredible storm on Tuesday, trees down all over the place. On Thursday I took the girls to Kelly Tarltons in Auckland (Such a stupid name for an Antartic/sealife Centre - the originators name obviously). I enjoyed it and LOVED the snow-cat trip through the penguin enclosure. Afterwards I took the girls to Mission Bay where we had lunch on the pavement outside a Turkish cafe on the waterfront. That evening Robyn and I swapped children, Alice going to stay with Katherine, and Sarah coming here. Sarah and Harriette spent 18hrs sleeping and lounging around watching DVD's!! On to be a teenager on school hols!

Yesterday we went up to Juliet and Kev's for the day. It seemed ages since we last went up there - probably because it was! On the way back H,A and I went to see Hayley Westenra in Hamilton. This was one of the girls Xmas presents. She certainly has a fabulous voice but I'm afraid she lacks personality and her dress sense.....well the less said the better. The saving grace of the evening was the most amazing violinist called Fiona Pears who performed 4 'tunes' as she called them, 3 of her own composition. She did the whole night without once looking at any music. I am not a great fan of the violin but this was fantastic. Luckily the girls absolutely LOVED HW. We are now trying to get the girls body clocks shifted a bit for the last week of the long summer holidays. Bed at 11pm and getting up anytime after 10am is a habit to be broken me thinks!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Forgot to mention Eric started his Profs course yesterday. He had to wear long pants (!!!!) - poor Eric, most strange for him, AND a smart shirt. Talk about a culture shock. Apparently they launched straight into lessons with no introductions. The tutor (a local solicitor) only cottoned on it was their first day when he told them to turn to page 19 and they said 'of what'!! He got to practice his Rumpole of the Bailey bit during class and was complimented on his skills (not sure if that is legal or acting!) while the kiwi's got picked up for poor clarity of speech - something Eric has commented on before and is most noticable in H and A (do teenager grunting with a kiwi accent and you'll understand why understanding them (H and A that is) is close to impossible. We got home at 10pm to find him slaving over books still. This morning he struggled to get up and had to find a second smart shirt!! At this rate I am going to have to do ironing at the weekend, a job I undertake no more than twice a year usually. Quick tidy up here then back to Paeroa this morning.

Note taken of photos Stan - I'll reduce them this evening.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Mom and Daddy's Big Move

It happened today. My camera came back from the hospital today all better. Too tired to blog but here are some photos - because I can!!!

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Harriette did do SOME work.

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Daddy sussing out his new barbie.

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Fabulous hibiscus by the back door.

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3 weary Smith's after a hard day. Taken on their deck. The picture is a little dark, in real life the mountains were a fabulous blue.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Baileys Cheesescake recipe

This is the recipe for the cheesecake Phil made for Eric's birthday BBQ. Helen recently emailed it to me as so many people asked for it. Obviously it was written by a bloke! Thanks Phil for allowing me to post on blog.

9 teaspoons Davis Gelatine dissolve in 375 mils hot boiled water mix with fork and stand( buy in C/down New World made from beef skin so no good to veggies etc)

Two 250grm packs Philidelphia soft cream cheese and 4 ounces castor sugar beat together add as much alcohol as you fancy one third (of a bottle) to a half is plenty blend together slowly so as not to curdle put to one side.

500ml bottle fresh cream whip till just together don't over whisk. Plonk on top of cheese mixture.

The white of four fresh eggs in a very clean bowl( grease will knock the whites bandy) whisk to a nice fluffy peak, put on top of rest of mixture mix with big wooden spoon or handle, slow and gentle keep as much air in the mix as poss, but don't worry to much, add the Gelatine liquid to the mix slowly but progressively mixing gently all the time till all blended together, it will be very runny,

Two 250grms packets of digestives nicely crumbled melt 4oz butter and mix with digestivie if a bit dry just add more butter, squeeze in your hand wants too bind together put in base of your cake tin flatten level ( bottom of glass good for this) line the bottom to tin with grease proof easier to put piece in bottom snap together and trim around the out side. If you do this after you have got the Gelatine ready you will be ready to rock and roll.

Now just pour into biscuit base, its really runny and should level out with a little shuffle/shake of the tin.

Put in fridge, pref over night on a tray cos its pretty heavy and you don't wanna do what I did.

If you have mix over just whack in a bowl or little dish to set for later with some fruit on top??

If you get the Gelatine ready about 1hr before it wont be too hot and make the mix separate when you mix, but make sure its not starting too set or your mix will be lumpy this is a light c/cake if you want it a bit heavier another 250grm cheese should do it.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Hangover Blog

I'm blogging because I know I ought to but don't expect too much, I'm actually sitting here on a beautiful sunny evening because I have such a bad hangover sitting in the sun is not an option!! It's all R+R's fault! I took a litre bottle of wine round there for a braai yesterday afternoon and no-one else drinks wine. Now I did know that but I would not have drunk so much if they'd had helped. I also finished off the wine left by the friends they had round the previous evening - so you see I was not to blame fully. Matters were not helped by Carol! At 6.10am we woke to a cow bellowing - loudly. Thinking that a neighbours bull had got in we went out to investigate, me muttering at what a ridulous thing this was to be doing on a Sunday morning, to find Carol had got herself into the front paddock and separated from Nelson. She is still feeding and I think she must have got to the stage where she needed to off load some milk. I reckon she had got into the paddock through the fencing when the electric was off with Eric taking the quad in and out of the back paddock weed spraying. The fencing then went back on we had not noticed she had roamed. Anyway Mom and calf (that's a joke, he's almost as big as his mom) were reunited and I said to Eric 'Now can I go to bed and do my hangover properly please?!' As we walked back to the house Eric then stunned me by saying he supposed he would get ready for work - it was Monday!!! Thank heavens I am on annual leave. As it was he didn't, he made tea and came back to bed. I stayed there until 9.30am. Now I have to say that as hangovers go this was not too bad, but as I am still feeling ill at 7pm i reckon I was still in the drunk stage and the hangover has crept up on me during the day. I feel no better after an afternoon snooze and am looking forward to bed again in a few hours!

For those of you who went 'Eric on a quad'???? Yes you read right. R+R very kindly lent Eric one of their quads for the weekend so Eric could tackle the back paddock which currently has so many thistles the grass has nowhere to grow.
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Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.comEric is in there, to the right of the tree, if you look really hard!
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And this is me, out of a sense of fairness. Eric was not impressed I posted the piccie of him in the pool. This one he took unbeknown to me. Obviously it does not display too much adipose tissue (relatively that is!!), or you would not be looking at it now!!

Too tired to blog further. Another time.

Friday, January 13, 2006


A parcel arrived from Carol for Eric on Monday addressed to AABOS. I thought it meant 'An awesome barrister and solicitor'. Eric reckons it means 'Almost a barrister and solicitor' What do you reckon?

You never know Carol may even tell us one day!

Carol, Eric creased up when he read your card. Thank you for the CC's - they were for me - weren't they? I have will let Eric have some, or if the answer was 'no' you won't mind if he lets me have some do you!!!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

40 today

It seems to have been years coming, as some of us did this a long time ago, but Eric finally reached the big 40 today. He woke up this morning and said he thought he'd gone wrinkly overnight. He hadn't! Helen (and Bridget) phoned. Invited lots round for a BBQ today, without him knowing. Was a bit apprehensive as the weather forecast was not good. So, of course the sun shone, the kids (thousands of them it seemed), swam and I think everyone enjoyed it. Photo's, a few anyway, our camera still out of commission, to follow.

Daddy had pack out today, should be home tomorrow).

Night night

Saturday, January 07, 2006

The woes of the nose

Poor Daddy. As I type he is taking advantage of NZ's health service care of the ENT ward at Waikato Hospital. He got a nose bleed this afternoon. No big deal I thought, on aspirin so will bleed a wee while I thought. An hour later..... Mom and I had got him to the doctors after 25 mins and showing no signs of abating and I would say it was well over an hour before you could say it stopped. Eventually back home and he seemed fine. A few hours later I popped into Matamata and within half an hour Eric was on the phone to say Daddy was on his way back to the doctors. I arrived there along with the ambulance that had been called to take him to Waikato. By now poor Daddy was sweaty amd looking decidedly unhappy, and still bleeding. This eveningI went to pick Mom up to find Daddy in bed with nose packed and horror stories of the ENT sugeons intervention under local. Blood lose was estimated by the GP to be a litre, and that was nothing compared to what he loss with the ENT guy poking Daddy around according to Daddy. Personally I don't believe a word of it but there is no doubt poor Daddy (and Mom) have had a traumatic day and he will need the Valium they have given him to get through the night. He will miss the festivities for Eric's 40th tomorrow as he is not going to be allowed home until Monday.

Happy Birthday Devon. I will try and ring again in the morning.

Night night all.