Friday, August 13, 2004


....I'm useless at it. I've had a sneaking suspicion about this for awhile but this morning convinced me. Did I mention Harri and I had a bad day yesterday? Well it got worst. We left R+R's with 'have you got everything?', arrived home with me saying 'please take ALL your stuff out the car' and Eric telling h to take out all her stuff except her sax which he would take in, and asking 'where is your school uniform' to which H replied in that bag. She sat in the car in a strop for about another 40mins. I had written the girls a list of things to do when they got home, which included 'get your stuff ready for school tomorrow' you know the thing, knickers and socks out, bag packed, clean blouse and dress hanging up.

This morning Harriette came into the bedroom in underwear only and said she had left her (only) school dress at the Scotts, didn't know where her shoes were and could I write her a note because she didn't have a games kit (I refused). To say I went ballistic is an understatement. Is there a book that I haven't read? There has to be a reason that I have such thoughtless children. Am I being paid back for being an awful teenager myself (don't answer that Mom or Daddy I know I was an apologise unreservedly witnessed by the world - Sorry). But Harriette isn't technically a teenager yet!!!

This evening I have to say she was better. She then asked if she could stay the night with Ellice along the road. Big dilemma, do we say Yes and be guaranteed a peaceful 24 hours or do we say No your behaviour doesn't warrant it? We opted for the latter but agreed she could go there for the evening only. She actually took it OK and was still pleasant wneh she got back. I do love her so much despite all of this!!!

Alice came home from school grumpy. The school had put in recent newsletter that she got a Distinction (her first) in the Australian exams in science. She had been very chuffed and told everyone. Today she gets told that she didn't, she only got a credit but they think she has got a Distinction in English and she is the only pupil in the school to do so. I said to wait until she gets the results in print. Poor child!

Are you all ready for the Olympics. We will allow the TV on for 1/2 hr each evening to get the lastest. Isn't it outrageous that the opening parade is so late for the athletes. I bet it is to accommodate the American TV veiwers. They reckon that most of the kiwi's out there will be support staff as the athletes will be resting/sleeping at the village. That's probably true for most countries. Watch the Swindell twins in the rowing. They are very local to us and world champions as the moment.

Bed time. Night night, or Good morning.

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