Sunday, February 11, 2007

Two blogs in one week.

Things are improving!

Well Eric did catch some trout on Tuesday,
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Unfortunately he twisted his ankle when out which seemed to have triggered an attack of gout, in his ankle this time. We took H and A along with Abi and Lucia to see Casino Royale in the evening. It was obvious that Eric was going to struggle to walk to Gengy's so I sent him to drive the car and we walked down. (It turned out to be just closing so we had pizzas anyway). The next morning Eric woke up in an enormous amount of pain. We had 2 cars booked in for WOF's (MOT's) in 2 different places and had a plan to ge them in. This went to pot so I cancelled the Mistral and took the Focus in, waiting while they did it. When I got back I walked in to find Eric clutching the back of the sofa with his face screwed up in agony. I therefore decided that he needed to go to the doctors asap, particularly as he ahd already taken Tramadol and that had obviously done nothing. I have also failed to mention that Harriette was sick. She had had a sqiffy tummy for a few days and on giving her a morning hug I realised she had a temperature, 39.6. For those of you working in old money that's high! So, I took H and E off to see Andy. He agreed with my diagnosis that H had Campyler Bacter and put her on antibiotics, and told Eric to try Voltarol for the gout pain. He said if this didn't work it would be steroids. Well the Voltarol did precisely nothing and it was another trip to the doctors at 7.30pm to get prednisolone. 40mg worked within 2 hours - at last. Eric had been in serious pain for well over 12 hours.

Thursday was the first day back to school for H and A. Obviously H didn't go but she made it in for the Friday. Eric went in at lunchtime on the Thursday but I drove him in. Gosh it's been a hectic few days!

It really is summer now and we have had a lazy weekend. Bryan and Rosie treated us to supper last night and we all went to Gengy's. We had planned on a wander round Hamilton gardens in the late afternoon but had a real tropical downpour of rain about the time we were going to leave so gave that a miss. Gengy's was a real hit with the Moye's. Even Lucia and Elly ate heaps. We then had a wander up to Browsers, a lovely 2nd hand bookshop before putting 5 stuffed youngsters in the car for the drive home! On the way back down we showed them the stature of Riff Raff (I think the connection is that the original writter of the Rocky Horror Show came from Hamilton). Alice hooked her handbag on it which, in view of the style of the bag, appeared very apt!
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And today, a lazy day doing not a lot. We had BBQ'd eggs and mushrooms for breakfast by the pool and sat in the sun until it got just too hot. Everyone is sitting around in togs and towels, reading etc, parked in front of fans. Did someone say it was snowing in the UK??!!

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