Monday, April 20, 2020

Lockdown Day 26: D Day

Monday 20 April: I am sure the nations conversations today were dominated by "Will she. Won't she" until 4pm and then discussion of the consequences thereafter. I am referring to cabinet's lockdown decision announced today. My money was on a two-week extension at level 4. I was half right (almost!). It has been extended for 5 days. Monday is a stat holiday (for ANZAC Day on Saturday) so only 2 working days but it extends our protection for another 5 days.

Life at Cedar Lodge will, in effect, be no different. Level three says that business can re-open as long as they can observe the 2m rule and instigate health and safety measures to keep their employees and clients safe. But "If you can work from home, continue to do so". For Eric, that means they can go to the office to collect things etc (they could not up to now) and indeed a couple of them can work there (those that cannot work from home) but otherwise working arrangements will remain as they currently are. I have him at home for another three weeks which suits me. I am really going to miss him when he goes back! I think the girls might come home for a few days which is OK as some social engagement is allowed, in effect extending our bubble. One of the most interesting points was that in the random testing undertaken in cluster areas (including Matamata supermarkets) no additional cases had been found. Wow!

I am happy with all that and I think it is the right decision. New Zealand has some of the lowest rates/100,000 in the world and a transmission (R0) rate of 0.48. Anything below 0 means the disease is waning. I think in the UK it is around 2.5 currently. Jacinda has elimination in her sights and I think we may well do this. NB elimination does not mean 0 cases, it means zero spread.

Back on a micro-level, I had a productive day today. I had experimented with wool carpet, covering one veg bed several months ago and today pulled some of it back, loosened the soil, added fertiliser and planted some strawberry plants from a bed I am planning to de-commission. I also planted some strawberry runners in pots a few weeks ago which I will put in a block next to this one to see which produces the most strawberries next summer.  One of the three silky chooks is not looking too flash, lethargic and not bothered when I picked her up.

I have multiple old medicine pots lying around with saved seeds in and have been meaning, for just about forever, to make some proper seed packets. Well I actually got round to this today. After several hours of playing with Word formatting this is what I have so far. I tried cutting brown paper to A4 but, as expected, it would not lay flat enough to go through the printer most of the time so need to buy some in A4 size. Next to experiment with sizes.

Seed packet template

The smaller cows are getting through the electric fence, they are currently in the three front paddocks and doing that 'the grass is always greener' thing. On investigation I found that the wire fencing all laying down (I was renewing some fencing in the week before I broke my leg last August and the old fencing, which we thought was powered by a separate portable unit, now disconnected) was in fact powered by the main unit and so we were loosing power into the ground. This meant a huge leak in the system. So, Eric inserted a circuit break. Hopefully the buggers will stay where they are put now.

While working there we found some liquid amber saplings which I will go and rescue tomorrow. Looking around that area it's a real mess, the yucca has gone mad, olive stumps have regrown, the elephant ears is taking over as are some other unknown but unwanted plants. I really need a massive clear up down there.  Just another area to add to the list!!

As of  9am today: New cases 9. Recovered 974. Total 1,440. Deaths 12. Matamata cluster total 76 cases.
Tests: yesterday 3,081. Total tests 86,305.

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