Monday, April 27, 2020

Lockdown Day 33: FINAL DAY!

Monday 27 April: As ANZAC Day fell on the weekend today is a public holiday. Eric spent it in the workshop moving kit around making Dollys to put the large pieces on so they were portable. All sounded very technical but kept him happy. Eric's workshop is so over-full of blokey 'stuff' that unless supremely organised (which it never is) it looks a mess. Hopefully over the next few months it will get a bit more organised!

Shelving unit added
The day was another stunner. Eric mowed the lawn and I spent much of the time 'organising'. Eric made some batons for me to secure the shelf unit against the side of the shed. OMG. What a palaver. I must have screwed and unscrewed various parts repeatedly. I think the spirit level lied intermittently! I eventually resorted to screwing the final screw into boot and shed in one as I could not get behind to unit to secure the baton. I now have to put some guttering up on the shed as water will pour straight on to my seedlings should it rain!

Behind this photo (make that behind the shed in this photo) is a slope that gets chewed up by the quad. I cut and laid down some old woollen carpet to protect the ground at the top where the quad bike makes a turn on to the drive. I measured up a couple of veg beds and cuts some pieces to cover them and used what was left for the slope.

I have been listening to different gardening podcasts. One suggested making a video diary to look back on your garden renovations so I started one today. First one? Carpet laying for gardens!

I have some echinacea seed heads that are incredibly prickly so have cut them off with some stem and now have them hanging up-side-down into a brown paper bag. The theory being that everything will eventually fall into the bag and I can sort the seeds out without shredding my finger tips. I have done the same with globe artichoke heads, one of which is the size of a dinner plate. I don't need more artichoke plants as I have heaps but just want to see if I can grow them from seed.

My hair, which I had cut short a few months ago was getting fluffy around my neck and, as getting a hairdressers appointment is impossible at the moment, I got Eric to trim the back for me. I must say he made a pretty good job of it.

Started watching NT Live's Twelfth Night tonight but I had to give up as I was falling asleep (tiredness not boredom!). Oliver Chris plays Orsino and Tasmin Grieg is stunning as Malvolia. Chris is one of those actors you can only see as one character, which is no reflection of his acting skills. I just always picture him as Nick from Bluestone 42, one of my favourite TV shows.

As of  9am today: New cases -1. Recovered 1,180. Total 1,469. Deaths 19. Matamata cluster total 76 cases.
Tests: yesterday 2,939. Total tests 123,920.

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