Thursday, April 23, 2020

Lockdown Day 29: St George's Day

Thursday 23 April: Had a terrible night driven mad by itching!!! Hand is swollen and itching goes all the way up my forearm.

Did a couple of hours work this morning.

Eric had to pop to the office (allowed now) and noticed that the cows, who are in the paddock next to the drive, had broken a fence rail so I fixed that. I needed to cut a piece of 6x2 which Eric would do with a chainsaw but I was reluctant to use one because it's ages since I last did and probably would do it wrong. With out current track record on injuries I'd probably perform a self-amputation! So, I attacked with a (blunt) saw as I could not be bothered to go in search of a newer one. While fixing it I as amused to watch a tiny, young Dexter bull mooning over a huge Hereford who is obviously on heat!! Trying to mount her must be like trying to leap-frog over a telegraph pole but that did not stop him trying. Bless him.

(Another) long chat with the vet over Otto as he is still unstable, intermittently, and a bit off colour. tried him with some beef broth to try and get more fluid and sodium in to him and increased both his steroids. Eric and I had another conversation about at what point we would put him down as this level of vet fees is unsustainable and we worry about his quality of life 😢

The cottage is overrun with daddy long-legs and cobwebs. I expect to see Mrs Haversham in there somewhere! Harriette emptied the bedroom and bathroom when she left but the living area is awaiting her return to clear out I have been collecting jars for preserving and these have just been stacked up I the kitchen. I made a start in the kitchen. I have never seen so many spiders!

No new cases of coronavirus in the last 24 hours 😃

As of  9am today: New cases 0. Recovered 1,065. Total 1,451. Deaths 16. Matamata cluster total 76 cases.
Tests: yesterday 6,480. Total tests 101,277.

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