Thursday, April 02, 2020

Lockdown Day Eight: One week down, three (at least) to go.

Thursday 2 April: So Otto is sick. When we let him out from his pen this morning he collapsed with splayed legs and could not get up to walk. I rushed in to get my phone to video him for the vet and he got up and walked normally! He had another few attacks and on auscultating his heart it was irregular and dropping beats. After several chats with the vet during the day we took him in. Luckily he had another attack there so they witnessed it. His bloods weren't too bad but he is dehydrated so staying overnight for IV fluids (again). He is proving challenging to the vet and our next step is a toxoplasmosis check.

We ordered avos and topped up our gin supplies online for the first time. Both arrived today - Hurray!

Did a few hours work in the morning and when I dropped Otto off at the vet this afternoon I dropped off a few supplies to Mom and Daddy. Took them from here rather than go to the supermarket. I am really trying to keep the supermarket shopping to a minimum. Also dropped in the meals I cooked and froze yesterday.

The NZ news today has been focused on those arseholes that are ignoring the lockdown, particularly in the far north. Idiots saying on camera "Yeah we have a party every night here" or "Yeah I come into town every day to see my mates". Honestly, the intelligence of some people!! In Australia they are being very strict with fines and even jail time but here I think they are just ramping up the response.

As of 9am today: New cases 89. Recovered 92. Total 797. Deaths 1. Matamata cluster total 45 cases.

Currently testing 1,835/day. Total tests: 26,015.

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