Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Lockdown Day 27: Where there's livestock there's deadstock

Tuesday 21 April: OK so chicks are not 'stock' but I was saddened to find 3 dead silky chooks this morning. I know I said one was looking ropey but all three! I have no idea why. The mites may be a factor, I just don't know. Released mom from her captivity. The PB chicks look bright as buttons, and very noisy!

I did my second shift on the 0800 IMMUNE phone line today. Well, after a series of pretty easy questions last week this time the first question had me searching for assistance. The child's history was very ambiguously documented and included vaccines not available in NZ at the time (the nurse clearly did not know her stuff. I am pleased to say the level of nurses knowledge around vaccines has improved hugely on the last 15 years). I ran it by colleagues who said I should refer to our medical officer for the day, a Starship paediatrician (Starship is our paediatric hospital in NZ) who I had not spoken to for ages so was good to catch up. All in all this took 4 phone calls, a team chat and two hours to sort out. The curly questions are great!!

Had a productive few hours in the veg plot planting up a small section of the poly tunnel with brassicas; pak choy, silverbeet and cabbage. Attended a Zoom Rotary meeting early evening. Great to be joined by some International exchange students we have hosted in recent years. One from Chile this week and a young Matamata Rotarian living in the UK. We must take our Tuesday walks at lunchtime as I keep forgetting about Rotary meetings!

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